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Dammit, Darla!

Lily tackled me on my way out the door. "Wait, Mommy!" She shouted even though she'd knocked me to the floor, and her mouth was an inch from my ear. "You can't go yet. I have to give you something" She wrapped one arm around my leg to keep me disabled; stretched her body as long as it would go without compromising her grip on my ankle; and plunged her free arm into a ratty basket that shouldn't have been on the floor in my bedroom -- that's another story -- and pulled out a tiny, brown horse. "Darla will go to work with you today," Lily said placing the horse gently in my hand. "She's a good horse. She will take care of you and keep you from getting lonely at work." I grabbed Lily's face and kissed her nose and forehead. "OH MY GOSH -- I love you SO MUCH!" I felt a little  crazy  taking a horse to work -- even a tiny horse. What if someone in the office had an allergy? What if someone complained
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Huh, what?

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Children and A-holes

I'm a fairly dramatic woman with two fairly dramatic daughters; I've been waiting for, "I hate you," and, "You're the worst mom ever!" But my 9-year-old, Lily, caught me off guard a couple of weeks ago with this gem, "We used to be so close, Mommy. What happened?" I swear it all went down in slow motion--the end of everything. There was no reason to get out of bed or brush my teeth or watch TV. There was no reason to go on living. I putzed around the house aimlessly. I picked a fight with my husband. I cried all day until Lily got home from school, and I asked her what she was thinking.   She told me we drifted apart shortly after her sister was born. "Ever since Ashlyn was born I've felt this way." "Well, that was five years ago," I told her. "You don't think we've been close for five years?" She shook her head. "LILY! OH, LILY!" My heart was screaming. Ash