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Nothing happened today

I'm the lady who locks her keys in the car while the engine is running on a rural road where driveways are marked by signs that read "Trespassers will be shot on sight." I'm the lady who backs her car into a ditch looking for a haunted cemetery with her best friend on Thanksgiving, and then on Christmas gets pulled over with the same friend -- who threw a cigarette out of the window -- going 15 miles-an-hour over the speed limit with a busted tail light. And -- if you think all I need is a bus pass -- I'm also the lady who waxes her legs on a work night and can't get the wax off and pokes a hole in her down comforter while she's sleeping.

That's me -- a ticking time bomb -- a disaster waiting to happen, always. And though I complain quite frequently that my luck is the lousiest luck in the world, I thrive on the drama. A conversation that starts with "my husband lost his job the day after our daughter was born" is much more entertaining than "my husband's a gainfully employed engineer." Or my story -- "pregnant, award-winning journalist laid off at the peak of her career."

Smooth sailing is boring. In the last two weeks, my husband threw his back out and sprained his rotator cuff, Ashlyn pooped in the bathtub, the car broke, I was home sick for three days and Lily attended her first school dance and danced with a BOY. 

What the hell would I write about if my life was perfect?

"The writer is both a sadist and a masochist. We create people we love, and then we torture them. The more we love them, and the more cleverly we torture them along the lines of their greatest vulnerability and fear, the better the story. Sometimes we try to protect them from getting booboos that are too big. Don’t. This is your protagonist, not your kid." 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love it, real life.........if this was a movie id be watching.

  3. I totally love this as a first impression of you. I can't wait to read more of what you have to say!

  4. Great post. Nice to meet you. ^_^

  5. Too funny. Sounds like "Murphy" moonlights at your house when he's not at ours! Good to have you link up! Welcome to Story Dam.


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