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No pictures, please

I'm afraid of cameras like some people are frightened of spiders or water or heights or small spaces. See if you can guess why.

Can you find me?

Prom night. I'm the same color as my dress.

Friend Hillary's wedding. I'm not drunk.

This is Hillary's favorite picture of me. I don't think she likes me.

Another Hillary creation. 

Hillary, again. She's truly gifted.

I took this one of myself.

I took this one too.


  1. You made me laugh! (:
    I am afraid of pictures too! You know, when you are like laughing too laud, or just really scared they take you a picture!! S:

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  2. I can't believe you didn't include my favorite, but your least.

  3. Some of those are just silly. ^_^

    BTW: We miss you here at the office. Hope you're doing well.


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