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Here I go again

There's this line in the beginning of Say Anything that always plays in my head when I experience a game-changing setback. Corey Flood, who's recently attempted suicide over some douche bag, says, "So I'm single now, and everything's changed. I hate it."

The cadence and the absolute surrender to a crappy situation resonate with me. It's customizable too, just replace the word "single." 

In my present state of affairs the word is "jobless."

"I'm jobless now, and everything's changed. I hate it."

Employment to my disorderly brain is that immobile point dancers focus on when they're spinning. It keeps me from falling on my face, or doing anything crazy like writing a book, or emailing people to tell them what I really think about them.

It seemed like a good time to resurrect my blog, although I lay awake most of last night worrying I won't have anything to write about the day after tomorrow or the day after that.

"Who cares?" A wise person asked me. "Are you getting paid for it? There's no real pressure at all. Just write."


I guess I can do that. It's been nearly two years since I've "published" anything. There must be some post-worthy stories from that time gap if nothing current seems interesting-enough to write about.

I took a European cruise with my aunt and divorced parents, for example. If I can't make something out of that, I should give up writing altogether.

So here I go again...


  1. So glad the blog is back!! I eagerly antiquate the sarcasm.....humor.....and insight!!


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