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Get your priorities straight

I know I've been on the computer too long when Ashlyn climbs onto my lap and puts herself between me and the keyboard. It's already happened twice since I sat down to write this.

It's important that I pay attention to these hints she drops, because they get more and more destructive the longer I ignore her -- hence the Koolaid stains on pages 578 and 579 of The Order of the Phoenix. (Reading also is scratched from Ashlyn's list of approved activities for Mommy.)

I set out with the best of intentions today to write and be brilliant, but Ashlyn had a different plan.

"Hiya Mamma," she chanted repeatedly, tossing Lotso Huggin Bear at my computer screen three -- now six ... eight, nine times since I started this sentence.

We spent some time at the park, which I thought would run down her batteries and improve my chances of writing Something Wonderful this evening. 

She did sleep briefly, but now she's running her usual route around the kitchen and living room. In fact she's standing on the counter right next to me screaming "Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine ..." (I'm not sure what she's talking about, because I'm a bad mommy, and I'm still ignoring her.)

ENOUGH already. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your art for the greater good.


  1. Hey, i love your blog.I'm an english lit student in Malaysia. I was wondering if you have any tips. Thanks.

  2. Wow, thank you. My advice is this: don't take life too seriously, don't be afraid to laugh at yourself, don't be discouraged if people roll their eyes when you tell them you're a writer -- we're and undervalued class, but the world can't function without us -- read a lot, people watch, and eavesdrop. Thanks again for following.

  3. Thanks, I'm trying to convince my dad that english lit is not as easy as everyone thinks especially in my university where we have to take a bunch of other unrelated courses that contribute to our CGPA. May I ask how long you've been writing?

  4. My parents tell me I've always been a writer. I don't remember wanting to write until I was 14, and then I sucked -- really, really bad. I felt confident enough to call myself a writer in my freshman year of college, and then I sucked too -- I didn't know it at the time, but I was still really bad. I started making my living as a writer in 2002. So I guess I've been a writer for 10 years minus a couple, because I wasn't very good when I started -- but I didn't suck anymore.

  5. Wow, 10 years. Have you written any books? I suck because all I ever write is my diary which isn't very often and I haven't read anything in a while but i'll have to change that.


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